Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji
Founder & President Of JSS Mahavidyapeatha, Mysuru
Email : jssiapdwd@gmail.com
Location-Dharwad , Karnataka
Phone : +918892293229
The Jagadguru Veerasimhaasana Peetha was established in the 11th Century A.D. at Sutturu by Adi Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Shivayogi Mahaswamiji. Sutturu is a village in Nanjangud taluk, Mysuru District in Karnataka. It is about 28 km from Mysuru city, in the south east direction.The Peetha with its high ideals has been making remarkable contribution in religious, social, educational and economic spheres in the state and across the country. It is striving for social development by responding to the community needs. JSS University of Science & Technology has been established at Mysuru in August 2016. At present, it has several Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Research programmes in Engineeing along with MBA programmes.
JSS Mahavidyapeetha has established an institute for providing education in Architecture at Dharwad. It is located in JSS Campus, Kelageri, Dharwad at 3km from Dharwad City. The campus is having a total area of 80 acres. The architecture institute will be having s separate area of 5 acres to facilitate the future expansion and also to provide separate hostels for boys and girls.
Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji is the 24th pontiff of Sri Suttur Math, established in the 10th century at Suttur, Mysore District, Karnataka. He is responsible for establishing the Bharithya Samskruthika Parishath’, at all India level, by providing collective leadership involving all the heads of different religions, with an aim to take up activities which could benefit the mankind.
About Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji Holiness
His Holiness Rajaguru Thilaka Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji was born in 1916 at Suttur, a village situated on the banks of the holy River Kapila, about 28 km from Mysuru city, Karnataka, India. Suttur is the holy seat of Sri Jagadguru Veerasimhasan Mahasamsthana Math which has a history of more than one thousand years. His Holiness is the 23rd Pontiff in this holy tradition.
From a young age, with his acute perception and interaction with the rural populace, His Holiness acquired an insight into their social and economic problems that plagued them. These created in him a burning desire to find solutions. In this endeavour, His Holiness traveled to Banaras (Varanasi) to continue his study. But on the persuasion of his predecessor the 22nd Pontiff of Suttur Math, His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Mahaswamiji, popularly known as Manthra Maharshi, which was also endorsed by His Holiness Sri Gowrishankara Mahaswamiji, Pontiff of Sri Panchagavi Math, Mysuru, a well known scholar at Banaras Hindu University, Sri Rajendra Mahaswamiji changed his decision and came back to Mysuru with an inner urge and eagerness to serve the mankind.
His Holiness realized that educating the poor was the best way to enable them to tackle their problems themselves. At that time, educational facilities were few and far between in rural areas and beyond the reach of the impoverished rural poor. His Holiness, therefore, accorded great importance to serve the poor, a majority of whom could scarcely afford even a single meal a day.
In the beginning, he established many free hostels and educational institutions for spreading education and awareness among the poor. While doing so, the Swamiji gave due importance also to unemployment and other daunting problems of the society. Thus, the idea of the JSS Mahavidyapeetha (JSSMVP), Mysuru, was conceived to tackle these problems through a more organized framework in a well thought out and planned manner.
The Swamiji with his implicit faith in God created an organization with excellent capabilities, to think, plan and execute his ideals. He achieved great success in whatever he undertook and accomplished so much in his life time.

Lifetime Selfless Service to Humanity and the Poor
His Holiness was indeed an incarnation of selfless service to mankind. He dedicated every minute of his life for over five decades for serving the society selflessly. He set exemplary standards in the service of society in general and the poor in particular in keeping with the lofty ideals and values enshrined in our holy scriptures of yore. His Holiness merged in divinity on the 6th December 1986, blessing his successor to continue the glory of this great institution.
Received Many Awards For His Achievements
Award From Our India President Ram NATH Kovind
More Details Of Jssmvp
The establishment of the Samskritha Paathashala by the 22nd Pontiff Sri Shivarathreeshwara Mahaswamiji who was popularly known as the Mantra Maharshi is a landmark in the history of the Sree Math.

Jss Medical Service Trust
The JSS Medical Service Trust launched its 1800 bed hospital at Mysuru as part of its social service commitment and has provided good medical services for the rural population in this region.

JSS Hospital
In addition, Jss hospital is being used as a teaching hospital for students of the JSS Medical College.With the objective of giving good quality education, public schools with CBSE syllabus are established.

Empowering Underprivileged Children
In Sutturu, around 4,000 underprivileged children from across the state and the country as well, are receiving free primary and high school education.

Equal Opportunity Education Project
Under this project, students from the 1st to 10th standard are provided with free uniforms, books, boarding and lodging facilities.This project, which reaches out to children without any discrimination of caste and religion, is highly lauded by the public.

Empowering Farmers and Rural Development in Suttur since 1994
The JSS Krishi Vignana Kendra (Agricultural Sciences Centre) was established in Suttur in 1994 to improve the economic conditions of farmers in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry and rural development.

Training Modern Techniques
The centre offers training, transfer of technology, material assistance and holds demonstrations and exhibitions in order to educate the farmers in modern agricultural methods. The publication division not only sponsors priceless books, but is also involved in religious publicity activities.

Jssmvp Expands to Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
JSS Mahavidyapeetha has expanded its jurisdiction by establishing and registering another Mahavidyapeetha at Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh. Through this, it is running an engineering college (JSSATE, Noida) and a public school in Noida, Uttara Pradesh.

Polytechnic for Differently Abled with World Bank Aid
The JSS Mahavidyapeetha has also started a polytechnic for the differently abled (JSSPPH) with the aim of empowering them to have self employment and lead a good life.For the first time in the country, such a polytechnic was started with grant in aid from the World Bank.

Educational Institutions in Mauritius and Dubai
It is worth mentioning here about the educational institutions established abroad – JSS Academy of Technical Education, Mauritius and two schools viz. JSS International School and JSS Private School and also JSS Academy, Dubai. Jssmvp Has been undertaking public welfare programmes